The first Latvian stakeholders meeting of the OptiWaMag project took place

In the frame of the Interreg Europe project „OptiWaMag: Optimization of waste management in urban spaces and in households” on January 20th, 2020 the first local stakeholders meeting took place. It was held at the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (VARAM).

At this meeting, project manager Dr. oec. Sanda Geipele introduced the project objective, its activities, expected results and topicality in the context of Interreg Europe programme, planned results and the expected involvement of experts within their competencies to ensure the interregional exchange of experience, identification of good practices and knowledge transfer to provide the development of recommendations for improving the policy instrument. But the project expert, Dr. phys. Laimdota Snidere presented the OptiWaMag project topicalities and challenges in Latvia with regard to household waste management issues.

The project „OptiWaMag” aims to demonstrate how the development of the current waste infrastructure and the recently used waste management practices can deliver sustainable, smart and inclusive growth through the exchange of good practice. “OptiWaMag” is an interregional cooperation project for improving waste management policies. Project focuses on innovation of waste management in urban spaces and in households. The project supports waste infrastructure, develops awareness of waste collection and improves the well-being of citizens.

The project involves 6 EU regions with the common goal of accelerating innovation in waste management, which can support an active innovative environment and resource efficiency, delivering triple benefits of economic growth, more sustainable ecosystem services and improved well-being for European citizens.

Project implementation from Latvian side is done by Riga Technical University (RTU) Institute of the civil engineering and real estate economics (BUNI).

For more information:

Official home page of the project: