Cooperation agreements
These include both public authorities and private companies.
Cooperation partners in scientific and applied issues
One of the most successful examples of international cooperation
The memorandum of understanding with the German Eastern Residential Construction and Development Association and Technical University of Berlin, which allows the students of the Institute of Civil Engineering and Real Estate Economics not only to undergo internship abroad, but also to get acquainted with the latest scientific achievements in construction business, power engineering, renewable energy industry and real estate sector, by attending German professors’ lectures and seminars not only in Germany but also in Latvia.
A major project in which the Institute took part from 2013 to 2015
Development of multifunctional coatings for protection of aerospace equipment structural elements.
ERAF: Operational Program «Human Resources and Employment»
Priority 1.1 “Higher Education and Science”
Measure 1.1.1 “Development of Scientific and Research Potential”
Activity “Attracting Human Resources to Science”
The second round of projects within the project of Riga Technical University was led by the Director of the Institute of Civil Engineering and Real Estate Economics, Professor Ineta Geipele; Professor Jānis Vanags, Professor Tatjana Tambovceva and young scientists Dr. Tatjana Štaube and Dr. Sanda Geipele also participated in the research.